Tag  |  health

one in ten

Clouds of steam poured out from under the hood of my Saab hatchback. I pulled over and made a call for a tow truck. Minutes later, a man approached my car. He wasn’t from the towing company, but he said he could fix the problem. Reluctantly, I let the stranger hoist up the hood and peer underneath. He then proceeded…

He still heals

Several years ago, a woman in our church received news that no pregnant mother wants to hear: “Your baby has Down syndrome.” The diagnosis was unnerving and the prognosis was bleak. The family called the elders to pray for healing. We had the privilege to anoint the mother and pray that God would supernaturally intervene. Several months later the mother…


Let's talk about tomorrow—today. What will your tomorrow be like?

Tomorrow could bring death. From the moment we're born, we're dying. Someone has said that death is one appointment you may postpone, but can't cancel (see Psalm 89:47-48).

Tomorrow could bring about sickness (Job 14:1-2). We desire a healthy life. But we have to deal with the fickleness of life and our…

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